For those who seek my skills and mastery of ancient mystical practices



Step into the priestess path…..

This is a rebirth and activation of your body as a living sacred temple of the Goddess and is for modern women to rise into her sacred femininity through oricular ritual, invocation, and initiation at the Askanda Natha Mystery School temple.

The path of the priestess is sacred and and ancient.

Through devotion to this calling you will anchor into your power through ritual and ceremonial work, offering these gifts to be of service to the divine while holding space for community. To offer healing services to community is one of the core foundations of embodying the ancient role of the priestess in a modern world. You cannot call yourself a priestess if you are not actively engaging in rituals and ceremonies because being of service is the life force of this calling, & the priestesses major role in society is to be in service and devotion to the divine through ritual practice and ceremonial offerings to community.

As a temple priestess and Mystery School teacher I know just how deep the calling to walk the Path of the Priestess is. As these codes are re awakening in the collective more and more women are being called to step up and hold space for the healing of our fellow brothers and sisters of mother earth. In ancient times priestesses tended to temples, held ceremonial rituals, and made offerings in honor of the cyclical nature of the elementals. This rite of passage may look different today than in the old world, but it is equally as important and is something most try to skip in our modern age of easy access. If you wish to deepen your oracular gifts, awaken your inner mystic, and embody this role I am here to help strengthen and guide your connection with ritual and ceremony. It is my honor to offer to you as a High Priestess the opportunity to anchor into this ancient process of initiation.

My personal offering brings the ancient knowledge of Innana starfire priestess codes of endocrine alchemy, Atlantean and Egyptian Isis alchemical teachings, tantric wisdom, holy grail womb activations, oracular divinations, shamanic earth-based sacred medicine, sophianic left hand christ consciousness, quantum healing, hands on touch, and somatic bodywork to assist in this process.

May we all come into a deeper relationship with the sacred feminine spirit. To surrender to the mother earth and the cosmic womb as our guides, to remember ancient truths that were long ago lost, when the sacred feminine mysteries had to go underground during thousands of years of a patriarchal paradigm.

The most important role and highest honor of the priestess path is to host ceremony and ritual initiation for others.

Welcome to the initiation of your inner priestess.

This is a full spectrum ceremony involving multiple modalities of ancient temple priestess arts. It is a 3-6 hour deep dive healing and activating ceremony that will rewire your inner polarity and awaken your own inner priestess codes. Each ceremony initiates the sacred feminine christ of the left hand path codes into your DNA and physical fabric of the temple of your body. Through these light code activations we will reconnect with the womb of Mother Earth, the Cosmic Womb, & your own womb of personal sovereignty and power.


  • Adornment of priestess attire

  • Aura cleanse

  • Sound bath

  • Card pull

  • Goddess awakening

  • Grail gate womb healing

  • Pleasure body activation

  • Guided mediations

  • Priestess lineage education

  • Mystery School teachings

  • Feet blessing/anointing

  • Yoni box steam

  • Food ceremony

  • Ceremonial cacao or tea

  • Chakra cleansing breathwork and movement

  • Mantras and Mudras

  • Spirit animal activation

  • Hape' & sananga medicine if desired

All mediations and guidance will be channeled intuitively by myself as a daughter of Innana - as your womb priestess tapping directly into the Cosmic Womb of Sophia and Christ Consciousness. This awakening ritual is offered for all women to activate her own inner temple and priestess codes, and for all of my tantra practitioner training apprenticeships I offer - this is the first step you will take to begin your training.

Please let me know of any food allergies, specific intentions, and personal boundaries for your custom Priestess Temple Arts ceremony.