A gateway of connecting to the best version of ones soul expression


Known to decalcify the 3rd eye all of the shamanic sacraments offered at Askanda Natha temple are prone to induce a psychedelic journey, where visions and messages may be revealed to you. My approach with these sacred medicines is rooted in indigenous ways - ways of bringing the fragmented parts of our mind, body, and soul back home to ourselves - to our innate wholeness.

Through these rites of initiation we are able to activate dormant energies within our DNA, assisting in our ability to perceive beyond our reality. These ceremonies support in the processing of conscious and subconscious emotional blockages, curb physical addictions, anxiety, and depression. With shared intention and this sacred space you have the ability to clear, ground, balance, and align with your higher self.

We will invite the earth, the water, the fire, the air, and the ether to be with us as we surrender to the healing energy and immense creative energy that lives within us. Through the sacred space of my temple, my own personal initiations and sight I will guard and protect you throughout your journey and awakening. Shadow work, emotional coaching, dark arts protection and integration is also offered with all shamanic sacramental ceremonies.

These sacred sacraments have been proven to enhance the mind, body, and soul connection achieving an overall optimal state of well-being. Join me for one of these ceremonies if you are interested in opening a doorway that will take your life to the next level of health, clarity, and abundance. Each ceremony option will begin as you set your intention for your journey. An exercise of connecting you with your subconscious mind through a card pull is also offered, this is allowing a message straight from your inner self or you can also request oracular divination directly from me.

All ceremonies include sound healing with tibetan and crystal singing bowls for quantum energy attunement, breathwork, chakra balancing, and an aura cleansing herbal smudge.


• HAPÈ & SANANGA EYE DROPS - $88 donation

  • CHANGA $255 donation


Traditionally used for shamanic practices, before hunting, heightened focus, and for prayer & meditation. Hapé (also known as rapé or nunu) helps with setting intention for ceremony, in grounding your energy, calming of vagus nerve, and decalcifying the third eye. It is made from sacred amazonian mapacho tobacco, tree ash, bark, select flowers or plants, and prayers from the tribes elder leaders which has been ground into a fine powder. This powder is blown into each nostril during the experience, and then blown out after several minutes.

It is important to be aware of the persons energies who is serving this medicine to you as you receive their energies while they blow it into your nose. Although hapé has become a popular sacrament to share among others it is traditionally not acceptable to receive it from anyone who has not been initiated by a tribe elder to do so. During the initiation the elder will blow 3-4 rounds up each nostril receiving their activations of wisdom and power along with it. I was personally initiated by the Matses elders in Primavera Peru in 2018, with their unique blend they call nunu. Although hapé is not psychedelic in nature, as the sun set and the dark of the jungle was upon us I was blessed with a rare occurrence having a dragonfly vision and activation that very same night.


These eye drops are traditionally used to assist seeing in the dark jungle of the Amazon at night. It is made from the bark of the sananga plant in South America it is known as a cousin to the iboga vine. Sananga drops in the eyes is known to improve vision, decalcify the third eye, and re-set the energetic field.


For those experienced psychonauts this is a great next step into your psychedelic journey. This is an herbal blend of plants smoked to induce visions, receive guidance from your soul, and messages from the spirit world. This experience helps let go of old ways of being with ease allowing you to replace self sabotaging behavior with positive habits and good intentions. Through sitting with this sacrament you can assist in curbing addictions, anxiety, and depression. Please do not consider this medicine if you have a history of psychosis.