Each womb healing ceremony creates the possibility for a very magical, spiritual, & liberating awakening


The energy of the Great Mother has been gravely missing from our world for millennia, and the time is now to bring her forth…

Each and every woman holds these sacred codes of creation in our wombs. This journey is about anchoring into and activating this ancient wisdom we carry to becoming an emissary of love on Mother Earth.


This is an attunment for your mind, body, and spirit that will focus on bringing healing to your womb space. When a woman receives this rite she can heal any pain she is holding from her female lineage. Your womb is the center of your feminine power and this healing is a way to help you reconnect with your personal feminine energy. The first step to healing is to first recognize there’s a wound. Out of suffering have emerged the strongest of souls and without alchemizing your wounds, embracing your feminine eros can be difficult.

As a womb priestess I will be guiding you thorough a ceremony to purify from stored tension and anxiety, past lovers ties, birth trauma, sexual trauma, as well as any other disharmonies that are attached to your womb space. I specialize in creating space for women to tap into their inner healer and together anchor back into the location of the our energy center related to pleasure, creativity, joy, and passion. We will anchor your womb space into your pleasure body fully activating your feminine sensual powers. Sensual healing is so important for this reason, it will alchemize all the pain and trauma you have ever felt that gets stored inside of the womb space.

I am passionate about reminding women of their innate resiliency and encourage them to do the work of unlearning limiting beliefs & instead have the courage to unapologetically take up their rightful place in life, for the purpose of our collective liberation. From the Hindu Shakti tantric perspective, femininity is the domain of the Goddess—the domain of power. Through this ritual we will re claim the power of your womb portal. There is a great value to sitting with our wombs, listening to them, talking to them, and allowing them to teach us something about the way life and death, joy and pain, and how we can exist together inside this sacred center - whether there is a literal womb there or not. Meditating with this part of the body or simply even writing a letter to it can be a deeply healing act. This process can help us to integrate our multitudes and find power in our feminine selves, even and especially when those feminine selves feel fraught or difficult to understand. This integrated form of energy therapy will leave you feeling renewed with a greater sense of self-awareness, and lighter as your limiting beliefs and pains are given space to be removed.

From this sacred center women are able to tap into their ultimate knowing & of the divine cosmic creation that connects us to all of life

This womb healing ritual brings you a hidden (but not secret) ancient healing that every woman should know. One of the main themes that we touch in this ceremony will be femininity and your relationship with it. Through this ceremony we will contribute to the healing of the collective female energy and the collective heart beat of all of the wombs of creation. We will first discover the details of your womb story and the what parts are ready to be liberated. After a temple cleansing womb healing mediation we will begin working though the first 3 grail gates of the womb tapping into endocrine alchemy.

We will go on a journey through the first 3 of 8 portals that relate to specific points in the yoni and womb. Using visualizations, breath, sound and movement to connect deeply to the body, fully feeling and expressing whatever is in the way of opening each gate. We heal and purify every gate, embrace all the pain, grief and blocked energy that we feel within, clearing what is holding us back from being fully in the body and experiencing joy in our most feminine zone. Our work will be done through channeled guided meditations, quantum healing, as well as tantric breath work & guided hands-on healing.

Also included is:

  • Aura cleansing

  • Sound bath

  • Card pull

  • Food ceremony

  • Ceremonial cacao or tea

  • Guided meditations

  • Goddess activation

  • Chakra cleansing breathwork and movement

  • Mantras and Mudras

  • Mystery School teachings

  • Spirit animal activation

  • Hape' & sananga medicine if desired